Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Bottom Front Tooth-es

Well, they're loose. Or at least thats what the dentist has told Him, and now that has become a central focus in His little world. "Ya know what?" He asks, and then, before I even have a chance to express my interest, blurts, "My two front tooth-es are loose." I had already heard the news from Her earlier reports of the dentist outing, but His narration was far better. Plus, being the generous little guy that He is, I have been informed that the Tooth Fairy, who he is quite excited to meet, will not only bring a gift (yes, a gift, because it seems quarters no longer suffice as they once did) for Him, but for Her and I as well. Fantastic! That would be just like loosing My teeth all over again minus the awkward speech and the constant molesting of the tooth with the tongue. Well, gift or no gift, the toothless path that lies ahead is sure to be clouded by the mysteries of the Tooth Fairy, challenged by the perils of dental loss, and framed in awkward grins.


  1. You finally took the popper apart! Was he at all surprised or was it a buzz kill for to find that was so simple? He's one smart kid. I'm glad you started a blog. It inspires me to go back to mine. By the way, I am super interested in making childrens' books. The market for it is huge and I think we are both creative enough to come up with something amazing. I really mean it. When and if you a can get some time you should start writing out your "mini ba" story. Then shoot it to me and I will work on some illustrations. I know will take a while because we got kids and all, but I've been itching to get elbows deep in a really good creative project. Who knows, maybe we could make a fortune, quit our jobs, and live off a residual income in Hawaii or something. I don't know, but I really serious. Think about it.

  2. Uh oh! The teeth are coming out already? Next comes that awkward looking stage where the new teeth that come in are not proportionate than his head. Remember no matter how weird he looks you still have to love him.
