Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Preventative Maintainance

She loves sleep more than anyone I have ever known. She could sleep twelve hours at night, nap after lunch, and then fall asleep without a hitch shortly after dinner. Now, naturally, as a parent it is impossible to get this much sleep, but She will do whatever is in Her power to spend just a bit more time in the warmth of the bed each morning. It was not until recently, however, that I realized exactly how far She would go. As I stumbled about in the dark grabbing breakfast to go, keys, etc. before work, I realized that something was different: the house had been staged. His hooded sweatshirt was sitting in plain view on the sofa, a lidded cup of juice was on the lowest shelf in the fridge, and a bag of cereal was sealed on the counter. I stood aghast! She had covered it all. Each morning He wakes with the same complaints/requests that are delivered in order, immediately upon entering Our room: "I'm cold . . . I'm thirsty . . . I'm hungry." She had anticipated each utterance and, as She so carefully planned, allowed Herself one or two extra minutes in bed because of it! Proof that a little parental genius and a splash of desperation can go a long way.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I don't know whether that's really smart, or really lazy. Perhaps the perfect combination of both.
