Sunday, March 8, 2009

By Nightlight

Over the last few months, She and I have been under the impression that He is sneaking out of His bed at night to play with toys, wander around in His dark room, and generally revolt against sleep. We have come to this conclusion for two reasons: First, every now and again We hear rustling; second, He has told us that He does so. This has lead Us to two conclusions: The age at which they tell on themselves is truly one to relish in, and we must try to stop His cunning escapes sooner than later. In an attempt to deter His late night adventures, We try to keep an open ear to His room and stop it right when it starts, but sometimes, as I recently discovered, it's difficult to get upset. I heard clanking a few night back and, well aware of His obsession with screwdrivers and the like, I opened the door to His room and found Him in the corner, huddled by His nightlight with a pile of batteries, a few opened toys, and the makings of His circuit board set. I was stuck between lecturing Him for getting out of bed and being completely amazed at His set up. I managed to stay on track, to explain to Him that He should not get out of bed at night, and to tuck Him in once again before confiscating the goods. Regardless, I closed the door behind me not only impressed at what He had done, but impressed by the fact that He Had gathered and arranged His findings only minutes after We had left the room.

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