Sunday, March 1, 2009

Valentines Day

This was the first year that He had a moderate understanding of Valentines Day and it was also the first year He experienced it in a school setting. Naturally, this experience extends homeward as each child is responsible for bringing one Valentine per classmate. Being the artsy, creative girl that She is, She decided it would be fun to make them. At first, for simplicity's sake, I protested, but She was persistent and, eventually, convinced Me it would be great. Agreeing that She would head up the creation, She set off, gathered supplies, and set to work one night with Him at Her side and Myself as the audience. The plan was 20 red hearts with eyes, and a mouth and a message, written by Him, on the back. I will spare complete details, but it must be known that after two botched hearts (all meticulously cut by hand), and only six on their way to completion in 30 minutes, a box of generic cartoon characters seemed more and more appealing to Her. However, She is not one to quit and, with great patience and 3 or 4 separate sessions, the Valentines were complete and, in the opinion of the audience, worth the time.

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