Friday, January 23, 2009

Page, Chapter, Book

Experienced parents always spout off the same bit of advice: "As long as you both are on the same page when it comes to parenting, everything will be fine." What page? How about a range, or a hint? Frankly Her and I have spent the last three plus years flipping through pages and, honestly, I'm not even sure We're in the same chapter or, for that matter, the same book. But maybe this diversity is the key. If We were both reading the same epic child novel, the pages would become so synchronized and bland that life would grow dull. Then again, every so often, as I stare at His puzzled little face following one of our classic simultaneous, yet clashing answers and think that maybe dull would be nice for a change. Then I come to and realize that those parents reflect and advise from the ideal rather than the real and I flip back to page 212 in chapter 6 of book 4 and lean over to catch a snippet of what She is reading: page 83, chapter 2, book 6.

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