Saturday, January 3, 2009

Thoughts, Explainations, and Introductions

In hindsight, it may have been an outstanding idea to start this blog three and a half years ago and simply chronograph my daily and weekly endeavors as they happened; however, I fell that the overall quality of such a thing would have been lacking, spotty, and generally boring. Now, as I can both look back and peer forward, I am able to reflect on the past while living in the present and anticipating the future. With that in mind, this blog is to serve two proposes: First and foremost, it is to provide an outlet for my compassion, my frustration, and my confusion as I venture down the parental road; Second, it is to provide advice, or perhaps just comforting words, to the millions of parents attempting to fill the same shoes that I am cramming my feet into. I do know that there are more parent blogs clogging the web than any one person or family may need, but I have decided to create my own feeling that I have something a bit different to contribute. I do not write for The New Yorker while trying to hold down my family with two six-figure incomes in a Manhattan loft, nor do I have multiple children with numerous play dates and P.T.A. meetings mingling on the side. I work full time while attending school and attempting to be the best father and dad (and yes they are different) that I can. I am not claiming to be a super parent and I'm not criticizing the six-figure Manhattan-ites, but I know that my reflections will serve to provided sanity for myself and laughter for others, while providing relief to the many people of this modern, fast-paced era who are raising the worlds most complex pets: Children.

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