Saturday, April 11, 2009

Faded Humor

I can remember growing up and watching A Christmas Story thinking it was hysterical. In one scene, Ralphie, the central character and narrator, comments that his mother has not had a hot meal in X number of years because she is always getting up to get things for her children. I found this funny for years and I now feel sorry that I ever laughed at such a thing. As We sat at the table tonight and realized, after getting additional napkins, water refills, carrots (by request) and answering dozens of questions, We signed in defeat and realized that scenes such as the above are in no way humorous: they are gut-wrenching, depressing, and distressingly realistic. We love family dinners, but We have come to realize that the only way to truly enjoy Our food is to eat in darkness and silence after He is asleep. This is one of those moments that all parents wait for their children to discover so they can sit back and smirk between each nervous tick.

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