Tuesday, April 21, 2009


He is quite a curious boy, but this curiosity reached a new level last night. While running an errand, He asked me if there were any words He didn't know. Rather than break the news that there were a good 50,000+ that He was completely oblivious to, I replied with an amiable "yes." Naturally, this news was compelling to Him and He requested to know a new word. Thinking for a moment, I went with "Filibuster." I had used the word earlier in the day and the thought of hearing it executed by a five year old was too much to bear. I recited the word, assisted with pronunciation, and proceeded to define it as follows: "It's when someone in a meeting keeps talking, and talking, and talking so no one else can talk." This definition was then immediately equated with the chatty nature of SpongeBob. Though odd, His age appropriate comparison was quite good, so I allowed the analogy. However, this was soon trumped by his use of the word in a sentence. Just this afternoon He told His Grandpa, in relation to the woman vacuuming the doormats at the store last night, "she was 'filibustering' with the vacuum" because she didn't stop as We left. Although I don't know that the Senate has ever experienced such a situation, I challenge any spelling bee to come up with a better sentence for such a normally boring word.

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